Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another version of Socialist Ten Commandments

Socialist Sunday Schools

The Socialist Ten Commandments
Posted by Harry

My six-year-old daughter has begun asking a lot of questions about religion and the Bible and the conversations reminded me about the Socialist's Ten Commandments, that were produced by the Socialist Sunday School movement.

I remember reading a version in the house of an old Lancashire ILP member when I was first getting involved in political activity. It was first published in verse form in the 1908 in the newspaper The Young Socialist but I think it still stands up. Its not only a good document for schoolchildren but at a time when the notion of socialist ethics appears to have been forgotten, I can think of a few 'left wing' adults who might benefit from a read:

No. 1
Always love your schoolmates, Make happy those in sorrow;
The children of to-day will be The citizens tomorrow.

No.. 2
To parents and to teachers, Be grateful and be kind;
For we should all love learning (Which nourishes the mind).

No. 3
Let every day be holy By doing some good deed;
To all do kindly actions, Whatever be their creed.

No. 4
Be just and fair to all men, Bow down or worship none;
Judge man by what he tries to do, Or has already done.

No. 5
Hate not, and speak no evil, Stand up for what is right;
And do not be revengeful, But 'gainst oppression fight.

No. 6
Try not to be a coward,But always help the weak;
Whatever path of life you're in, For love and justice seek.

No: 7
All good things gathered from the earth, By toil of hand and brain;
Instead of going to the few,The workers should retain.

No. 8
Speak (the) truth at all times, And try not to deceive;
And what opposes reason We ought not to believe.

No. 9
Love all the races of mankind, Abolish war and strife;
That we may reach the higher plains Of our intended life.

No. 10
Look forward to the day when menAnd women will be free;
As brothers and as sisters liveIn peace and unity.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A poem by Lao Tzu and a riposte

To: Samson
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:08 AM
Subject: Thought you might like this

Always we hope
Someone else has the answer.
Some other place will be better,
It will all turn out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer.
No other place will be better,
And it has already turned out.
- Lao-Tzu

A Riposte

Yes you are right.
I do like it.
It resonates with some deep understanding
inside of me.

Yes I do like it;
as much as the absence of Hope for a better world
- a better life
chills my bones.